
LA Lakers @ Spurs Game | Lessons For Your Business Strategy

The Lakers were able to break the Spurs winning streak, redeem themselves from their past two losses against them, and put up lower scores in the last half because of their ability to gain the advantage in the beginning. How? It's all about strategy..

So let's break down the LA Lakers at Spurs game yesterday. How does it relate to your business?

Just looking at the scores from each quarter, you can see that the LA Lakers scoring was a declining slope with their highest scores in the beginning of the game and their lower scores near the end. The San Antonio Spurs, on the other hand had more sporadic performances. Their scores displayed peaks in the second and fourth quarters. 

Los Angeles Lakers  34    31   16   18

 San Antonio Spurs   13   24   15   31

From a business perspective, it would appear that the Lakers strategy was well defined before they came out to play -- clearly they intended to set the pace. However, the Spurs were more responsive in their strategy -- each time they scored low, they came back and almost doubled the score in the next quarter, almost hoping to redeem themselves. I compare this to a business that executes a strategy they've developed after carefully studying their market, versus a business that deploys strategy based on their competitors or variables that cannot be tied to long term success. 
But you can't just look at the scores if you want an accurate picture of what happened. They can be a little deceiving..

Even though the Lakers' strategy was well outlined and executed from start to finish, the Spurs outperformed in their Free Throw percentage and Fast Break points. 

Lakers were able to get more total rebounds (49), 14 of which were just additional chances to shoot after they missed the shot. How successful are you at turning mistakes in your business around successfully?

Even though the Spurs' total rebounds were 43 and they converted their missed shots more times than the Lakers (37% opposed to the Lakers 30%), it was not enough to win the game. Overall strategy is key!

Turnovers were 6 for LA Lakers and 10 for the Spurs. The Spurs basically gave the Lakers a chance to score 10 times (in addition to their lead...) 

Basically, the Lakers were able to gain the advantage from the onset (lead) , rebound the ball more (execute), turn it over less (keep the lead) , and shoot more successfully from the field goal and 3 point line (preparation before execution). 

The Spurs victories in overall free throw percentage, fast break points, and offensive rebounds could not overshadow their failure to gain more than a 2 point lead in the game. They were never able to set the pace, they were always looking to just stay in the game.

The same applies to business. It would be great to dominate in every area, but it does not take that to be successful. The Lakers stats were impressive but the still Spurs outperformed in certain areas, just not the areas that made a difference in the overall outcome. They were left in a position to catch up from the beginning, their opponent gave themselves the advantage by playing a consistent game, offensive in nature, setting the standard.

This same formula will be the key to your success. It doesn't matter what you do, what you sell, or the ideas you want to bring to fruition. What matters is your strategy. Do the research on your market and competitors, and develop strategies to execute -- then practice. Learn from leaders like Google, Apple, Kobe Bryant, and others who have always keep their competitors trying to "catch up." 

ChrissyBiz Solutions provides clients with customized, results-driven web marketing strategies. Our primary business writing duties include: article marketing,  search engine optimized web copy, blog content, social media, press releases, and newsletters  designed to drive traffic to your website and influence buyers decisions when purchasing products and services.

Contact ChrissyBiz today to discuss the impact that web marketing copy can have on your business.


  1. Great analogy. I always say consistency is always the key.

  2. Chrissy:

    The other day I heard Kobe interviewed on ESPN Radio. His approach as well as that of Phil Jackson is what makes the Lakers the Lakers. Same as the Bulls when Jackson and Michael Jordan were there. Have a plan and work the plan. Adjust as necessary.


  3. I am a little biased, but he is the man! Go Kobe! Thanks for stopping by Rob.


  4. @ Dennis -- Consistency will always overcome an opponent who is ill-prepared. Just keep doing what you've been doing (so long as it works), and you've got the advantage.

  5. Hi Chrissy,

    I would also take from this is they got the upper hand early and did what they had to to stay there.

    I have seen it in markets where someone launches a product and others follow. What they do not realise is that the leader will always get a benefit from the followers actions.

  6. @ Susan -- Precisely. They are leaders. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi Chrissy, having a plan and sticking to it is so important. In having a plan we know where and when to start and what to do to keep in front of our competition. I have witnessed a few bloggers start with no apparent clear idea of their desired outcome other than "be successful" and within a year they've gone. They may have reached dizzy heights in a short time but it was also short-lived.

    Plans tend to encourage consistency. When new trends blow into town (big product launches, etc), those who stick to their plans will be more likely to ride the wave clear through town and come out the other side unscathed. Those who hop on the wave hoping that it is their ticket out of town will often be disappointed when it dumps them at the city limits.

    I cannot think of any NBL team that would begin a game wondering whether or not they wanted to win. Of they want to win. Whether they do or not will depend on many factors but it is a sure thing they will lose if they commence the game with no vision of winning or no clear plan or strategy. The same applies to online business hopefuls.

    Cheers, Michael

  8. Hi Chrissy,

    Being totally out of my element when it comes to any sport, I do appreciate the analogy. After all, sports are really big business these days and hopefully people who are in the business "game" will take note.

    There's little talk these days about having business plans but they're just as important today as they were years ago. Even if it's just a simple unstructured strategy that takes into account, your customers and your competition, is necessary. I'm sure the winning NBL teams have mini business plans/strategies for every game.

  9. Hi Michael, thank you for further expounding on my point. Businesses will abort their strategies in the middle without testing which individual parts have failed. This can be fatal.

    @Sherryl, I am definitely no sports fanatic but the Lakers are my team. I love their spirit, the fact that they're always the team to beat, and of course KOBE! I'm glad my analogy was resourceful.


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