
How To Position Yourself and Promote Your Product or Service with a Press Release

Press Releases are a way to notify the public of what is going on and give them access to information that would otherwise be a secret. Is your product, service, or expertise a secret? You can begin to use the same power in the press release for your product or service, event, or promotion. The problem is that we see so many "less than newsworthy" releases that we may tend to forget the necessity and advantage of them. They serve many purposes for many people, but here I will write about positioning yourself as an expert as well as promoting your product or service with a release. Obvious promotion of yourself is not allowed in a good release. However, well written press releases dispense information that can be consumed by your target market, and leaves them with the impression that you are the best person to solicit for their needs.

Position Yourself
Your press release is one of many, so what makes you the person capable and sought-after for the product or service you are writing about? You must position yourself as an expert. This takes time and will not come overnight, but you can do it with proper preparation, educating yourself on your product or service, and commitment to endure all obstacles or setbacks.

Writing articles and blogs about your product or service will help establish you as an expert. Interacting on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will also help. You can use these platforms to answer questions, find out what your market is interested in learning about, and common questions / issues associated with it. Stay updated with all news related to your product or service via newsletters, Google Alerts, or any other type of news outlet. 

Gathering this information will help you come up with a relevant press release campaign that not only displays your knowledge and skills, but also gives prospective clients information they are already seeking. Creating content within your releases that pertains to already needed information is a traffic generator as well. People are interested in concise, relevant information about their topics of interests; press releases provide the medium and you provide the information they need. 

Promote Your Product or Service
You have all of the information you need for your target market, and you know that press releases are a cost effective and efficient way to give them the information. The next step is to promote that product or service without being pushy, or sounding like the neighborhood used car salesman. How do you sell something without selling something?

  • First you will  target the release to the audience that would benefit from your product or service. Do not be general or attempt to gain everyone's attention. You know who you are aiming at, so talk directly to them!
  • Next, present the need that your product or service will meet. This could be as simple as writing about how oil changes will extend the life of an engine to sell your new oil change package, or writing about the necessity for proper grammar when speaking to people in public. You must present the need so you can present the solution. 
  • Be sure that the need is related to what you are selling and that you can easily tie in your solution to the need. You must not forget that this is a news release, so it must be newsworthy. The best way to get newsworthy ideas is to peruse the internet or your local news to see where the need is, what people are writing and asking about, and how you can respond to their need. For example, if you live in a community where there is a recent spike in head lice, you can write about your hair salon and how the shampoo used is effective in killing lice. What about a laundry detergent that can aid in the eradication of the bugs eggs in the sheets? Get creative but remember that people want news, something that will help, and ultimately a problem solver.
  • Incorporate quotes, research or other interesting information that adds credibility to your claim. If your shampoo will kill the above mentioned lice bugs, why should anyone believe you? Can you offer a guarantee?
  • Make sure the release is no shorter than 3 complete paragraphs before the "About Company" section, and no more than a standard page in length. With all of the information available online, people will likely skim the information and move on if they don't find anything interesting. Remember your browsing habits online.
ChrissyBiz Solutions provides clients with customized, results-driven web marketing strategies. Our primary business writing duties include: article marketing,  search engine optimized web copy, blog content, social media, press releases, and newsletters  designed to drive traffic to your website and influence buyers decisions when purchasing products and services.

Contact ChrissyBiz today to discuss the impact that web marketing copy can have on your business.

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