
Technology Pioneer Steve Jobs Leaves Lasting Fingerprint on Business and Technology

Part of the allure of business in America is the relative ease to begin businesses and the "pursuit of happiness." Co-founder of technology giant, Apple Inc., Steve Jobs demonstrated the successful navigation of several obstacles to realize his dream. He left Apple for several years before he returned with an idea that would forever change music, business, the world. 

Apple, Inc created wealth and jobs for many Americans. In fact, every entrepreneur in the world could learn and apply lessons from the former CEO.
Shoulder-high portrait of smiling man in his fifties wearing a black turtle neck shirt with a day-old beard holding a phone facing the viewer in his left hand
Jobs holding a white iPhone 4 at
Worldwide Developers Conference 2010

Aside from breaking barriers and setting new standards in technology, business and computers, Steve Jobs' innovation was the catalyst that caused countless other entrepreneurs to open their own businesses. The iPhone, iPod, iPad, iMac, MacBook Pro, and other Apple products require accessories and equipment that have given opportunity for other business men and women to resell, market and distribute what hungry consumers demand. In fact, the iPhone routinely sells out, and with the addition of the iPad, the possibilities are limitless.

Business curricula will surely  include the innovative leadership abilities of Mr. Jobs. Overcoming failures and watching Microsoft continue to sell and grow was no small detail throughout the time that Mr. Jobs worked for Apple. Besides the overwhelming success, businesses formed, processes  improved, and lives changed through the line of products produced by Apple, motivation to go after a dream with every fiber of ones being cannot be ignored. According to Wikipedia, Jobs compared his business plan to the Beatles. He strongly believed in teamwork and that great business was accomplished by many people, not just one. It is unlikely that the full impact of his inventions or business expertise has left on the world. 

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Contact ChrissyBiz today to discuss the impact that web marketing copy can have on your business.


  1. hi chrissy, thanks for your visit.
    steve jobs is such a brilliant genius... spinning endless money for apple inc.. and creating employment opportunity worldwide. great contribution to the htecnological world.

  2. Our technology today is different without Steve Jobs. He has done a lot of great stuff and he continues to inspire a lot of people.

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