
Technology Guru Steve Jobs' Dies, Leaves Fingerprint in History

Steve Jobs
( February 24, 1955 - October 5, 2011)
Steve Jobs built a multi-billion dollar business with only $1300 in start-up funds and a garage. Looking at the products that continuously roll out of Apple, Inc, one could hardly believed the humble beginnings of this risk-taking, $1 salaried technology guru. But sadly, increasing sales, an imminent unveiling of the new iPhone, and being the comeback story of a century all take a back seat as politicians, technology giants, and other top figures react to the passing of Steve Jobs on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 from pancreatic cancer. Google's homepage has a link to Apple's homepage tribute to their former CEO. There is even a contact email for fans to express condolences.

A little more than a month ago, the ailing CEO announced his retirement, along with his replacement, Tim Cook. Having been a part of a generation that has been able to benefit from his innovations so early in life, I can only imagine what more we will see from the company. However, I am not alone in the sentiment that the loss of such a unique human being will not be evident. Apple Inc creates products allowing users to easily and quickly access information from almost anywhere, at any time. History books would be incomplete without highlighting Steve Jobs as a pioneer in the technology age, setting new standards and creating jobs, and creating a market for other businesses and technology to emerge .

So how would the world be different without Steve Jobs contributions?
  • Steve Jobs patented his sleek and slimmer laptop designs that have become a trademark of all Apple products. 
  • The iMac G4 debuted a separate base with a monitor attached 
  • iPhones that can be described as mobile computers that fit in your hand with the ability to also make telephone calls.
  • Macintosh computers have been widely known for their security as Windows computers get viruses and crash more; though it is technically not impossible for a Mac to get a computer virus, just less likely than a PC.
  • iTunes is designed to give users almost immediate access to music, books, podcasts, and a plethora of other useful technologies that are made with Apple products in mind.
  • Entrepreneurs around the globe are constantly creating software and products that would not be possible without the invention of many of Apple's revolutionary products. 

"Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." 
~Steve Jobs to Stanford's Class of 2005

For the past few years, Steve Jobs has only collected $1 in annual salary from the prosperous technology company. He owned about $2 billion in shares. His fortune also includes 7.4% of Disney, valued at more than $4 billion.

Steve Jobs has mastered the art of overcoming adversity. In fact, it appears to be the most profitable thing for him. After leaving Apple in 1985, he returned in 1997. It was not an amicable split either, he was fired! To add insult to injury, the company also filed a lawsuit against him. Recently, Apple Inc has lost and recovered two prototypes, obviously creating to several risks. Perhaps all of this was mere preparation for the fact that the company is sued almost daily. In some ways I imagine Mr, Jobs as an Olympic athlete well skilled at getting over obstacles -- without losing much speed.

He was openly criticized for his lack of public philanthropy. Unlike Warren Buffett and Bill Gates who pledged to give away at minimum half of their wealth, many wondered if he gave. However, Mr. Jobs could have given anonymously. He strongly believed that what he was doing was a major contribution to society. It is possible that he did not want to feel pressured into anything either. 

Steve Jobs was a Buddhist described as a "tyrant that you would not want to meet in the elevator" by some employees, according to CNN. After visiting India, the San Francisco native converted and is said to regularly walked around his neighborhood and office barefoot. 

Steve Jobs personally held more than 300 patents as an inventor. These range from packaging materials to desktop computers, Apple televisions, laptops, iPod, and many others.

There is no question that while the technology world mourns this great loss, it is also gearing up for the positive residual effects of his contributions. 

1 comment:

  1. Great title for a tribute to Steve Jobs Chrissy. He was a brilliant man who left this world a better place. I don't believe we'd have the same products from Microsoft that we do today if it hadn't been from the milestones reached by Apple.


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