
The Power of Words

You do not have to be a person of faith to understand the power of words. Even in technology, it is apparent that the words used to search for what we want has to have the proper keywords. Some people even go to the extent of researching long tail keywords because it is more closely related to how we think and search for things. Why is this done? Because we are looking for something in particular, and we want that specific thing or information. 

The same should be applied to business and every day life. But especially in business. The most rich, famous, and sometimes infamous business people are usually considered arrogant and "full of themselves." People can be turned off by them because of what they say about themselves, their craft, or talent. They understand the power of what they say and how it affects their performance and thoughts about themselves. They say what they are looking for -- not what they are; big difference in outcome. Our words influence our actions.

If your business is stagnant or slow, stating this constantly or saying it to others is just as powerful as if you said something positive. Not a lie, but definitely not a defeated confession either. What do you want for your business? What kind of clients do you want to attract? What type of growth do you want to occur? What are you looking for? These are all much more encouraging and empowering than stating facts that will only lead to lack of motivation or procrastination. SEO is an entire discipline built on words. How can that be applied to business?

Just a thought.

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