
How To Use Your Vision and Mission For Your Internet Marketing Strategy

You may be wondering how vision and mission statements are relevant to your internet marketing efforts.

Creating vision, mission and strategy statements for your business are still necessary steps you will want to spend time on.

Your vision, mission, and strategy statements act like compasses for your ship at sea as they guide and direct decision making, organizational priniciples, and where to focus your efforts. 

In times of distress or when you are presented with opportunities, you can use them as checkpoints to make sure you are on course.

Vision, mission and strategy statements are also crucial to your small business internet marketing success. These foundational principles help anchor the business regardless of the conditions you will face.

There was a time when companies proudly displayed their vision and mission statements on their website. This trend has become less and less popular, though I am unsure why. 

So exactly why do you need to write mission and vision statements, and more importantly, how can they positively impact your web marketing online?

Vision and mission slideshow from Christian Dernbach


The vision statement of your company is where you want to be and where you see yourself in the future. What do you envision for your company, for your customers, for yourself?

Without vision, it can be very difficult to make decisions within your organization. Whether you are a solopreneur or a part of a small operation, vision is just as crucial. 

The vision statement does not need to be elaborate, rather concise and clear.

Example: ChrissyBiz Solutions will provide professional internet marketing services for small businesses and nonprofit organizations through it's one-stop-shop business model.

Learn more about vision statements here with more examples.

The company mission statement is equally as important as it narrows down why you do what you do, and what you hope to accomplish by doing it.
  • What is your mission statement? 
  • What motivates you to do what you do? 
Your mission is what motivates your operation even when times are difficult or you are confronted with a difficult decision. 

Mission statements should be inclusive, honest, and purposeful.

Example: To offer affordable, valuable, and result-driven solutions for small businesses and nonprofits.

Click here for more information about about mission statements examples.


With the mission and vision statements now clear, you can begin to develop your strategy for marketing your products and services online. 

Where you see your business and why you do what you do can be very helpful in determining your internet marketing strategies.

For example, nonprofits may want to invest more time on Go Fund Me than small businesses because of the way it is designed and the audience it appeals to. 

Though it is crowdfunding for anyone's use, startup funds for nonprofits are more accessible than startup funds for business on this platform.

Similarly, LinkedIn caters more toward professionals than Facebook, and provides more valuable business opportunities and leads for small business and nonprofits.

A successful web marketing strategy incorporates the vision and mission so that time and resources are maximized. You will be less likely to jump on the next bandwagon when you know where you want to go and why you want to get there.

Small business web marketing can be time intensive or extensive, yet more productive when in sync with company values.

You might find it necessary to outsource some of the business writing associated with it so you are able to more fully focus on your gift.

Tools for any internet marketing strategy might include:
  • Pay per click advertising
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Blogging for your business
  • Blogging for your nonprofit
  • Newsletters  
  • Social networking for business also known as social media networking
  • Free offers online such as a free Ebook for download
  • Online article marketing
  • Press release writing and distribution
  • Free webinars
  • Youtube video marketing
Your written vision and mission statements should be where you can easily access and see them daily. The internet is a massive place, growing at lightning speed, but your written plan gives you direction and puts you at an advantage. 

Have you written your vision, mission, and strategy statements yet? If not, it's never too late!

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