
Communication For Business: How To Write Clear Yet Difficult Correspondences

Whether writing to an internal audience or external clients, difficult correspondences must be handled with care, most especially when dealing with human resources within the company. The communication must be clear, firm but not aggressive, fact-based, and concise. Written employee warnings, reprimands,  may be form letters or customized depending on the sensitivity of the matter or company policy regarding the issue. 

Here are some tips to construct difficult correspondences in a professional and firm manner:

Clearly outline the basis for the communication and desired response. It is not enough to reprimand the worker for being late to work when the desired outcome is for them to arrive 15 minutes in advance to clock in and situate themselves in their work space. Company policy regarding the issues mentioned so that the employee is not left feeling picked on or singled out. It is also important so that an official purpose of the written warning is established. Managers interested in improving their teams and subordinates will always leave follow up pointers with steps to correct the behavior and the desired response from the employee. 

Decide the outcome of the correspondence of the letter before you begin. Is this a repeat issue or serious offense that could result in termination or just needs improvement? Proper wording will depend on the desired outcome or desired effect.

Use words and phrases that are easily defined, not subject to interpretation, and based on facts. When dealing with touchy issues, the effectiveness of a written warning can be largely dependent on the actual words chosen. The difference between an escalating issue and a prolonged problem should be easily identifiable. 

"Your continued tardiness has caused your team to steadily fall short of their sales goals" should be backed up by data or verifiable occurrences. This statement makes a clear tie between sales (important benchmark) and their inability to reach work on time. However, this statement is different than "Your pattern of tardiness may have an effect on your teams ability to maintain their sales goals." The point is to be clear in what you are saying and the impact you want it to leave on the reader. One statement sounds like a reprimand while the other sounds like a warning.
Use a sandwich method when suggesting improvement. The sandwich method simply means that while the meat of the sandwich is the issue you want to address, it is sandwiched between two compliments or positive attributes. For example: 

Dear Employee,
Having you as part of the editing team has helped the company become more strategic in their thinking when it comes to online mediums. The management team is very pleased with your contributions, and would like to see this same professionalism applied to your relationships with coworkers in the office. Outbursts in the office interrupt the workflow, morale, and slows productivity. We look forward to your improvement in this area. We'd like to also take this time to solicit any questions or concerns you may have about company policy regarding appropriate workplace behavior and encourage you to speak with your supervisor in case of conflict. XYZ Inc considers you as an asset to the organization and hopes to see progress in this area without having to escalate the issue. For questions, comments, or clarifications of company policy, please contact your Team Leader.
Be firm when addressing issues regarding Title VII, sexual harassment, and other liability issues. The sandwich method is not appropriate for more serious issues that can affect company liability or human resources. In this case, there is a need for clear and objective language that could be presented in the case of an EEO claim or in wrongful termination accusations. For example: 

Dear Employee, After recent investigation into the accusation of sexual harassment involving you, we have uncovered evidence and testimony that places you in direct violation of company policy. In accordance with training received in your annual sexual harassment training and the employee handbook, this letter will serve as an official reprimand for your behavior. Any further need for discussion in this area would escalate the issue up to termination. 
Never allow personal bias or emotions to cloud the messages of any business correspondence, but especially delicate or sensitive issues. It is important not to minimize behaviors or magnify issues, rather to directly address them according to company policy. Communicating difficult topics may be difficult, but not communicating them could be costly for your company and reputation.

ChrissyBiz Solutions provides clients with customized, results-driven web marketing strategies. Our primary business writing duties include: article marketing,  search engine optimized web copy, blog content, social media, press releases, and newsletters  designed to drive traffic to your website and influence buyers decisions when purchasing products and services.

Contact ChrissyBiz today to discuss the impact that web marketing copy can have on your business.

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