
Public Relations and Sales

How many times have you personally had a choice in a purchasing decision, and chose the business that had a more positive image? There are even occasions when prices can be different, but the perception of a place of business weighs heavily on the decision to buy or not buy. 

What is the relationship between the public perception of a brand or business and their ability to sell?

Lets us take a look at a few examples to examine the issue objectively:
  • Many athletes and entertainers risk their ability to be endorsed by major brands when they make major mistakes that draw public criticism.
  • Political figures often lose credibility and sometimes even their jobs for bad press. 
  • Companies and brands use the press to announce positive press to enhance their images.
  • Some companies and brands have gone out of business based on press. 
  • Even a homeless man was able to land a job because of being on the news and showcasing his skills. The fact that he was homeless really made some companies want him as it would make them seem sympathetic to his struggles. 
Public Relations are often over used by some companies and brands while others completely overlook the benefit of a positive public image and its impact on their bottom line. So, how can a positive image and being engaged with your market help your sales?
  1. Public Relations allows consumers to see a human side of your brand or business that is otherwise unavailable to them. 
  2. Community involvement and engagement can increase word-of-mouth advertisement as customers learn about community efforts, charitable causes, or other image-enhancing events. For example, reading about the companies recent charitable donation in the local newspaper, business blog, or other online source may be a conversation starter between friends or co-workers, along with a desire to support you as you support other causes. 
  3. Consumers are more likely to purchase from businesses with positive press than companies with no press or bad press.
  4. Public relations is a form of marketing that does not focus on sales but definitely contributes to increased or decreased sales. People remember articles, experts, and businesses that they have read about in a positive and negative manner.
  5. Internal perception of a company can even impact employees endorsement of a companies products or services. Employees will assist in marketing through suggestions to family and friends when their perception of the company is positive. Conversely, when they are displeased more than satisfied, they are less likely to recommend the company to family and friends. 
  6. Commercials and television advertisements are more costly yet highly effective in helping people recall your company or brand when making a buying decision. In the same manner, as more people migrate to the world wide web year after year, internet marketing without direct sales can be highly effective in a positive perception.
  7. Even when there is no call to action associated with buying a product or service, Negative PR is highly effective at having the opposite effect on sales.
  8. Companies can offer incentives, coupons, or other discounts for markets engaged with them in some way -- newsletters, social networking sites, or other mediums that help shape the perception consumers have about businesses. 
  9. Facts are not nearly as important as perception, unfortunately. Businesses have to take the reigns of their own public images as everyday consumers now have the ability to influence others perception of companies more easily, even if to only a small audience.
  10. The old saying that no news is good news does not apply to marketing and company sales. No news can actually be bad news if companies are not proactive in the global marketplace and positioned to take action. 
Can you think of any examples, well known or otherwise that agree with this or do you disagree? I would love to hear from you!

ChrissyBiz Solutions provides clients with customized, results-driven web marketing strategies. Our primary business writing duties include: article marketing,  search engine optimized web copy, blog content, social media, press releases, and newsletters  designed to drive traffic to your website and influence buyers decisions when purchasing products and services.

Contact ChrissyBiz today to discuss the impact that web marketing copy can have on your business.

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